Blog / Fortnite | Your Guide to Unlocking the Slick Volpez Skin

Fortnite | Your Guide to Unlocking the Slick Volpez Skin

Fzjed lXoAQIwis | Braintree Gaming

Hold on to your controllers, Fortnite fans! We’ve got some exciting news that’s hotter than a Loot Llama in the Sahara. Fortnite Crew subscribers now have the chance to unlock the Volpez skin as a bonus membership reward. If you’re wondering how to get your hands on this foxy new skin, keep reading. We’ve got the lowdown faster than you can say “Where we dropping, boys?”

Fortnite Crew: More Than Just a Subscription

First things first, let’s talk about Fortnite Crew. It’s not just a subscription service; it’s like a VIP club for Fortnite fans. Subscribers get exclusive cosmetic items, in-game rewards, and even perks in other games like Rocket League. It’s like a buffet of gaming goodness, and who doesn’t love a good buffet?

The Winter’s Trickster Legacy Set: A Rewarding Experience

Every now and then, Fortnite Crew throws in a Legacy Set as a bonus reward. It’s like finding an extra fry at the bottom of your takeout bag. Players can unlock stages of a Legacy Set by renewing their membership. The Winter’s Trickster Legacy Set is the latest addition to the Fortnite Crew Pack rewards, and it’s as cool as a Chug Jug on a hot day.

How Does the Winter’s Trickster Legacy Set Work?

Legacy Sets are Fortnite’s way of saying “thanks for sticking with us.” If you activate a Fortnite Crew membership while a Legacy Set is available, you’ll unlock the first stage. Each time you renew your membership, you’ll unlock the next stage. It’s like a gaming advent calendar, but instead of chocolate, you get awesome rewards.

The Winter’s Trickster was added to the Fortnite Crew Pack rewards with the release of update 25.11 on June 27, 2023. Players can unlock its first stage until October 31, 2023, at 8 PM EDT. After this date, it’ll be as unavailable as a Victory Royale to a noob.

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Unlocking the Volpez Skin: Patience is a Virtue

The Volpez skin is the final reward of the Winter’s Trickster Legacy Set. To unlock it, players will need to join the Fortnite Crew for a total of five months. It’s like a gym membership, but instead of getting abs, you get an awesome skin.

The good news is that you can cancel your Fortnite Crew membership at any time and come back whenever you want. Legacy Sets don’t have an expiration date, so as long as you’ve unlocked the first stage, you can keep working towards the Volpez skin at your own pace.

The earliest possible date to receive the Volpez skin in Fortnite is October 31, 2023. You can check your Legacy Set progress by visiting the Battle Pass menu in-game, opening the Fortnite Crew page, and then selecting the Crew Legacy Set tab.

So, whether you’re a Fortnite fanatic or just love a good skin, make sure to follow Braintree Gaming on Facebook and Instagram to stay up to date with all the latest gaming news. It’s more fun than a solo win with a pickaxe! Game on!